
Donations are tax deductible

If you would like to donate without being noted as a sponsor of a race, please follow the steps below to donate online or by mail. 100% of the proceeds will exclusively benefit the Travis Manion Foundation.  The Travis Manion Foundation strives to unite and strengthen communities by training, developing, and highlighting the role models that lead them. Developing programs, training opportunities, and events designed to empower veterans and families of the fallen, and then inspire them to pass on their values to the next generation and the community at large.

Tax ID# 41-2237951 / CFC# 15968.  For more information on the Travis Manion Foundation, please click here. 

Mail Your Donation to:

Joggin’ for Frogmen, 3419 Virginia Beach Blvd, #973, Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Make checks payable to: Travis Manion Foundation

IMPORTANT:   Please tell us which race you are supporting and choose one of the following to write in your check memo:

  • Joggin’ for Frogmen General Donation
  • Extortion 17 Memorial Run/Ruck
  • Joggin’ for Frogmen Pittsburgh
  • Joggin’ for Frogmen Virginia Beach
  • Joggin’ for Frogmen San Diego